Well yesterday was the last day of my staycation. I’ve got missed feelings about today. I don’t like that Mum has to go back to a normal schedule which means less time for walks, but on the plus side I just can’t wait to see Alfie and Aristotle.
Yesterday we went to a fun day but it wasn’t like any fun day I’ve ever known before. For a start I was the only dog present and from what someone said I don’t think I was supposed to be there either. They would not let me go on the bouncy castle, I just had to watch. They would not let me try the padded Sumo wrestling suits and actually Mum wouldn’t let Dad try those so I didn’t feel quite so bad. They wouldn’t let me have my own balloon, even though some kept blowing in my direction and they wouldn’t like me eat the sausages off the bar b q. Oh yes and nor would they let me have my face painted like the other children. Most of it seemed unfair especially as all the children added in another fun activity of petting the dog – being me! The children screamed when they were playing but Mum told me off when I barked. Next time I think I might ask to stay at home with Shadow. Mum said she was glad I was there and it always makes it better for her as she didn’t really know anyone either, so I guess I did my job well and that does feel good.
Now I need to prepare for the boys coming home. I’ve moved my bed back to its usual place so that Alfie can have his favourite spot and taken my bag of food out of Ari’s room so he doesn’t eat it for a midnight snack. These are very important considerations for a dog.
Have a great week. Alfie will be back for tomorrow’s diary
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Hi Wilma, Thank you for all your holiday news. It sounds as if you had a lovely week. I have enjoyed reading all about each days adventures. I cannot believe how dark it is in the mornings now. I have just popped out in the garden to make myself comfortable but I am off to hide under my duvet until it is time for a walk. Looking forward to seeing you at the Fun day. Love Dickens X
Aw thanks, Dickens. Can’t wait for a real fun day where I am allowed to play. See you there.
Love Wilma