I’d like to be able to give you a version of events that does not make me look bad, but I don’t think I can. We didn’t go on the North York Moors yesterday, we’re doing that today instead. Mum wasn’t feeling too well yesterday morning so we all agreed that we’d do something closer to home. Mum had found a circular walk for us to do. We have done part of it before but didn’t know we could easily carry on round, so we thought we’d try it.
I’m finding that the more we walk and the fitter I am the more energetic I am. This seems to be the reverse of the rest of the household but no matter. Anyway, I was charging about all over the place on our walk. I had to be on my lead because a lot of it was farm land and then there were some signs saying that I had to be so I couldn’t really argue. We were walking through some woods when I saw this big bird up ahead. You know those moments when the urge just takes you? Well it was one of those. I ran as fast as I could to get the bird. The only problem was that I was attached to Mum and she hadn’t seen what I was about to do. Well, we found out how strong I am when I not only pulled her over, but then dragged her along in the mud. She let go of my lead eventually. To be fair I was still following the rules. I was on a lead, it’s just there wasn’t a human on the other end anymore. Dad stopped to see if Mum was all right and she said not to worry about her but to catch me. Anyway, as she lay in the mud she shouted at me to stop and to come back and it rather broke the spell. I did stop and came back to the scene of the crime where she had picked herself up and assessed that thankfully there was nothing worse than some very bad bruising and grazes.
She as able to carry on, but then after ten minutes she realised she had lost her hat so we had to walk back to the woods to find it. It was lying there in the mud, exactly where she’d left it. I did wonder if it was going to mean I didn’t get my ice-cream so I was as good as I could be for ages and thankfully I did get a cone at the end of the walk. It would have been a very bad day if I hadn’t been allowed my ice-cream
Have a great Friday
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