Ok, so now I see what all the fuss was about. We had a pawsome time yesterday. I have never seen so many deer anywhere in my life. Actually, it’s probably more deer than I have seen altogether if I added them all up. They weren’t bothered about us being there either. We saw a family of swans sunning themselves and oak trees that were hollow and you could climb inside. Mum said when she was little they used to play hide and seek and hide in the trees. Then there was a big house or more to the point bits of a big house. Mum was trying to explain what it would have looked like when it was all there, but to be honest I was more interested in the deer poo buffet that was laid on for us.
We walked up a hill that supposed to be the highest point if you look East until you get to somewhere in Russia. There was an odd building on the hill that looked like a beer tankard, but we still only got water in our bowl when we stopped.
We didn’t walk as far as we did yesterday, but that was because we were going to my grandparents and had chance for a run in the garden too which was lovely. Mum opened her birthday presents and that was the most exciting bit of the day – she seems to have a cow, or at least part of one. She has a handbag made of hairy cow hide that smells amazing to a cattle herding dog. She says she probably won’t be able to leave it unattended when we’re around in case we get ideas. Honestly what does she think we’d do?
I’m not sure what’s happening yet as Dad seems to want to go to see some bloke who was found under a car park, but I really don’t get what all that’s about!
Happy Thursday
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