As it turns out, staying at home for a holiday is not so bad after all. Yesterday we parked at the park and ride outside York and walked along the paths through the country park and on along the river towpath into York. Shadow and I both had vanilla ice creams then I begged for some of Mum’s which had toffee sauce on it. I’m sorry to say she wouldn’t share it. I don’t really understand why there are so many walls in York that don’t seem to have been finished. Mum said they were finished once but have since been knocked down, but to be honest that doesn’t make much sense to me either.
It was very warm walking back again after our ice creams. Mum was checking the distance of the walk as it is the one we will be doing in October to raise money for Heidi. The difference then will be that we do it twice as we’ll be walking ten miles. We only did about six altogether today. Shadow said she thought that was quite enough, but after a five minute rest I would have been happy to do it all again.
Today we’re going for another long walk, but this one will involve a forest so will be quite different to yesterday. Then tomorrow we’re going to one of Mum’s favourite places in the whole world, so I really hope I like it too as I’d hate to disappoint her.
Dad seems to think these walks work quite well with Mum carrying everything we need in her rucksack and him not carrying anything. He did say could she remember to put a blanket in next time though. I don’t think she was very impressed by the suggestion. I said I could help carry things, so she might get my rucksack out to take today too.
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