Sunday 25th June 2017 – A happy day

Me with Wilma and Bernie behind

Our Mistress saw how sad I was about not going to Fun Day, well more to the point it was our Master. Anyway, they took me. I had to sit in the car for all the running around time, but I got to watch and I took part in two games that were more gentle. I even won a prize in the ball and spoon race. I met my half-brother, Bernie for the first time and it was lovely. Of course I’d rather have been playing ball with the others, but I was so happy to be there. Shadow ran and ran and is now regretting it rather a lot. Wilma had a wonderful time as you can imagine. Then after the main part had finished Wilma’s half brother, Salvo and her niece, Izzy came home and spent some time with Alfie so he didn’t feel left out either. Salvo and Izzy have the same sort of

Alfie in the back garden enjoying playing

temperament as Wilma does and Alfie had a wonderful time running round in the back garden with them. He was really gentle with Izzy and it was lovely. When they all went he was quite upset and just wanted to be outside in case they came back.

Today is going to be a quiet day for all of us. We all overdid it a bit yesterday, except Wilma who could run all day. Shadow was happy yesterday as her daughters Della and Dixie were there and they are growing into fine young ladies. She said it made her very proud. She won a prize on one of the games too so was especially happy. She thought she’d won her heat in one of the other races but was disqualified for cheating. She had tried to hide a biscuit that she was supposed to have eaten and the judge (our Mistress) caught her.

Anyway, have a lovely day.


You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Lovely to hear you went to the fun day Ari. Sounds like you all had a great day. Pleased Alfie was able to enjoy some of it too. Have a lovely Sunday. xx

  2. Forgot to say well done winning the ball and spoon race. Sammi has a pool like the one in your photo. She loves it. xx

    • Thank you. The problem now is that I want to eat my prize and our Mistress says I can only do that if I go for a proper walk first. I need to decide just how much I want to eat them.
      I hope you and Sammi have a lovely day

  3. Glad to hear that you got to have some fun too Alfie. We all had a great time, thanks to your mistress for organising all the fun and games. It was lovely to meet my half brother Ari at long last and we were very proud of him when he won the egg and spoon race with flying colours !!! Look forward to hopefully seeing you again some time in the future.

    • Thanks, Bernie. Alfie’s putting his paws up so it’s your bro here. I need help. Our Mistress won’t let me eat our prize. Send reinforcements.
      Have a great Sunday

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