Tuesday 20th June 2017 – Feeling sleepy

The thing with this hot weather is that I just want to sleep. It’s not so bad as we all seem to feel much the same way, so there’s less bouncing going on. Our Mistress has finally remembered to get Wilma’s paddling pool out. It’s not so much that she had not remembered as it was being used to catch the water coming through the roof of the summerhouse. We’re waiting to see if a second coat of sealant has fixed the problem, so Wilma has had to promise that if it looks like rain she will put the paddling pool back in position immediately.

Aristotle really did enjoy his time gardening at the weekend. Our Mistress was very pleased with him as he did manage a whole walk on Sunday for the first time in nearly a week. He finds gardening easier as there is not all that much demanded of him and since our Mistress has developed some nice shady areas he can always find somewhere to stay cool. I prefer to wander round and then come back inside, but he could sit out there for hours as long as our Mistress is around.

Wilma’s paw is better so she is very happy not only to be walking again but she is looking forward to seeing her friend Bernie tomorrow and Fun Day on Saturday. She says she plans to run and run, although in this heat I suspect she might change her mind. She and Shadow had a bit of an argument when they went for a walk together on Sunday night about what pace the walk was going to be at. Shadow was adamant that in the heat it was she wanted a quiet stroll and did not want to be bounced on. You can imagine what Wilma thought of that idea!

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