Sunday 11th June 2017 – So much rain

I wanted to stay in bed yesterday, but no, our Mistress had other plans. So she could do what she wanted to do in the afternoon we all had to have our walks in the pouring rain in the morning. I don’t particularly like the rain. Even Wilma was unhappy as it was driving into her face while she was walking. She was most unhappy that it meant she missed seeing the deer that ran in front of them as she was looking down at the time. On the other paw, our Mistress was quite happy that Wilma didn’t see it as she didn’t fancy being dragged across a wet field in pursuit. Most of the wildlife seems to have got the hang of which of us to avoid. The hares regularly carry on eating when it’s just me and our Mistress, but run for cover very quickly if either of the girls is out for a walk. I was a little bit jealous of our Mistress as in the afternoon she went on a tour of the old airfield, part of which is where we have our walks. She got to go up the old control tower, which is now a house, and said the view all around was amazing. I think I’d have liked to have seen that. When you only see things from a dog’s eye level you can’t get the same picture of scale that even a human is able to describe.

Today my main job is to help our Mistress measure up for some new roof felt for the summerhouse. I can’t see how this is going to work and I can’t help but think there is a huge potential for it to go wrong, but then I’m only a dog, so what do I know? Yesterday’s job was easier, I only had to help putting the new reel up for the hosepipe and that was done from ground level so far less risky. I was thinking a day relaxing in the sun might be rather more in order but I guess a dog can’t have everything.

See you soon


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