Yesterday, it turns out, was exhausting. By the time our Mistress came home all she wanted to do was sit quietly and put her feet up. That’s my kind of life so of course I was happy to do the same. She would like to do the same again today but she needs to dry everything from yesterday out first and put it all away. She also needs to turn a kilogram of lavender into lavender bags which isn’t going to be a small job. Overall yesterday was a great success with all the dogs and people working very hard. By the end of the day there was still some collating of results to be done so I don’t know exactly who did what yet. Our Mistress was thrilled to see one of my half brothers and two of my half sisters and was delighted by the wonderful adults they have grown up into. I asked why she hadn’t taken a photo of them all but she said she was too busy. Leo, my half brother, was really really pleased to see our Mistress and totally showered her with affection. He’s a real softy and looks very like his father.
Wilma went to see everyone but she didn’t have to help as her friends Hector and Mack the Labradors helped with the character test instead. They were very good. Wilma totally fell in love with Leo. Apparently the minute she saw him she was a shameless flirt. Some of her other friends were there but she only had eyes for Leo.
The other good news from the day was that there was plenty of food left so I helped sorting it all out so it wouldn’t go to waste. That was the best bit of the day for me.
Have a great Sunday
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