Thursday 18th May 2017 – Enough of the rain

I blame our Mistress. There she was the other day saying the garden could do with a good shower of rain and it’s done nothing but rain ever since. I’m something of a fair weather dog, so I’m just grateful that she doesn’t make me go out for walks. Shadow doesn’t really mind too much but complains that after twenty-two children her undercarriage is a little closer to the ground and she gets fed up with all the mud splatters she has to clean off when she comes home. Wilma still loves the puddles even though she is nearly an adult and Aristotle grumbles about them and tries to stay dry.

We all had to go and have a good sniff of all the places that our visiting dog had been. Fortunately our Mistress learnt from the last time I had to check out where Shadow’s brothers had been in the lounge and made me go outside to the toilet before she let me sniff. Apparently it isn’t good from a human point of view if I feel the need to cover the scent of another dog and have a full bladder at the time. Our next visitor is arriving tomorrow night but without her dog. She has one of Shadow’s children and Shadow is planning to grill her on how he is and whether he is behaving. It isn’t that long since Shadow saw him, but she says she gets more honest answers from the humans than she does from some of her sons. On the whole they are all as mischievous as our Aristotle and to a dog have remained eternal puppies. Then on Saturday she will see three of her children, so she is looking forward to that too but she doesn’t show her excitement as much as our Mistress does.

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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Yeah! I totally blame my mistress for the rain too! It rained in Sweden yesterday and I’m sure she could have done something about it if she really wanted to! I tried going out through the window but turned and went in again. So I tried going out by the door instead but it was the same rain there… *shudders* It’s lucky we can stay indoors when it is so necessary as these raindy days. But you poor thing, you don’t have a litterbox indoors to pee in, I pity you a little (or a lot)! 😉
    Best Wishes from Sweden
    Francis – the cat

    • Thanks, Francis. I suppose I should be grateful at least we don’t get as much snow as you do. Mind you, I might like your short days in winter if I could find a good fire to curl up near.
      Have a good day

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