Perry, as the Peregrine Falcon has been named, has moved from the side in the utility to the filing cabinet in the office. He has not, you will be pleased to hear, been filed… yet! To be fair to our Mistress, some progress has been made. She has used a filler to fix a screw into his base with a view to screwing him to the summer house roof. What could possibly go wrong? My guess is the screw won’t hold or more to the point the screw will be fine, but the filler won’t hold the screw and he will simply not fix as she hopes. That is a better scenario than Aristotle’s suspicion that he will stay initially but let go of his hold on a windy day and come crashing down. Shadow is quite convinced that even if he does stay he will not frighten the pigeons and that she would do a better job, although how our Mistress would screw Shadow to the summer house roof is anybody’s guess.
I did say to our Mistress that as she had named the falcon, she probably out to name the owl on the porch. She just looked at me as though I were stupid and said, ‘He’s already got a name, it’s obvious, he’s Wol.’ I rolled my eyes and took away her copy of Winnie the Pooh. This is what comes of living with someone who spends most of their life in a fictional world. There really is no sanity for serious dog such as myself.
Aristotle told you on Sunday that there are now 79 of our breed in the UK. Well, today the next member of the team is setting off from his puppyhood home in Switzerland and embarking on his journey to a new life. Safe travels little fella and we’ll hopefully meet you soon.
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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE