Tuesday 28th March 2017 – Sweet and sour

It’s so hard for a poor boy to take. My girlfriend, Bella, has been at it again. She’s gone off with another dog. Oh I know I want there to be more Entlebuchers in the country, but why can’t it be another girl who has a litter rather than my girlfriend? She is away in Germany meeting her new bloke. It was no consolation to be told he looked like me when I was younger. Well I look like me now! I’ve remained faithful to her all these years, but just because I can’t give her puppies she thinks it’s ok to toy with my emotions. I can only hope it’s worth it and that when she’s had her fun she’ll come back to me knowing I’ll always be here for her. I’m that sort of a dog.

Shadow tried to cheer me up by saying she’d had a fling or two in her time and it doesn’t always mean anything. I didn’t take much comfort from that to be honest and just wondered how Shadow could be so fickle. Wilma was more comfort telling me she will always love me, but we have a very different relationship than I had with Bella. Wilma looks up to me like a father and she’s the puppy I never had. Bella had always been the only girl that made me wish upon stars and hear music playing when I saw her. Humans don’t always realise what they put us through. There are times that it really isn’t easy being a dog. Aristotle said I should be more like him and love them all equally. He’s an easy come easy go sort of boy, but when I fall in love I bestow my whole emotions on the girl, much as I have done with our Mistress too. I’m just going to sit here and lick my wounds for a while.


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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Love can be hard Alfie. Not much consolation I know. Sending you lots of cuddles and Sammi sends you lots of licks. Hope this helps a bit. xxx

  2. Aww Alfie, I know it’s hard – the world often is! But you have a lot more than many dogs in this world, so take comfort in all the love and good things that you do have! Love and hugs coming your way xxx

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