Friday 17th March 2015 – Reunited

Wilma and our Mistress will be reunited this morning and not a moment too soon. Wilma has of course been fine and happy playing with her doggy friends. She has been snuggled up to me as well, which we both enjoy. Our Mistress on the other paw has not had a dog to cuddle up to and to be quite honest I think she’s a bit lost without us. I think it’s good for us to send her off for a day every so often so that she can really appreciate us when she comes back. It’s also good to make her spend an occasional day in a city because it reminds her just how much she likes living in the middle of nowhere. She says she sees more people in one day in London than she probably sees the rest of the year put together and I don’t think she’s exaggerating. She will never understand why people choose to live in cities when they are so noisy and dirty, but then I guess there are people in cities who would say they don’t understand our lifestyle. She has at least tried living in the city in the past to know it’s not for her, so we’re quite safe that she will never choose to do that in the future.

Wilma has been working hard developing her dog friendly hotel section of the site too. She has now written up hotels in France, Switzerland, The Netherlands and of course England. She is still adding to them every day and would love to hear from our doggy readers about the places they have stayed. She has put everywhere on a map HERE so you can find out where there are places to stay very easily and know what to expect. She is going to try to design an award to send to the best dog friendly hotels so that they know they are appreciated.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE