Wednesday 1st March 2017 – One of My Ambitions

I’ve told you before that it is one of my ambitions to see there being 100 of my breed in the UK in my lifetime. I was the tenth one in the UK and things have come on a long way, but I’m not getting any younger. We’re up to 77 at the moment so still quite a way to go, but there is some good news. We are hoping that my girlfriend, Bella will be off to mate with a German stud dog in a few weeks. It’s something I don’t like to think about and certainly don’t really like to take about, but needs must. Anyway, on the bright side she will hopefully have a litter of little Entlebuchers so I’ve learnt to look at the big picture. On top of that there are some puppies coming from other countries. There is a boy coming from Russia and a boy and three girls coming from Switzerland. As long as everything goes to plan, three of them are hoping to join the breeding programme themselves when they are old enough, so it will be good news for the breed in the longer term too. I’m still not sure how long it will take us to get to 100 but all of those should take us an awful lot closer than we are at the moment.

Ari didn’t go swimming yesterday. Unfortunately, we had a call to say their boiler had broken down and they would be closed for the day. On the bright side I think it means I will be going on Thursday instead. I’m quite pleased as I think I’d like the chance to go out for a while. I did ask if I could go in our Mistress’s little soft top car if it’s nice, but she needs to weigh Shadow so that outing will have to wait. She has promised that we can though, so it gives me something to look forward to.

Wilma is starting to add to her reviews. There is now a map you can find the locations on HERE and she has started a page on hotels in Switzerland HERE

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better Alfie. I hope you get out in the sports car soon. I think it is a bit cold for that at the moment. Congratulations to Wilma on the launch of her “Good Hotel and Restaurant Guide for dogs”. My Mum always reads the diary with her cup of tea in the morning so she will have to get up earlier – great for us as its biscuits all round! Have a good day love Dickens X

    • As long as it’s sunny we can put the car’s heaters on. I’m too big really and end up partly across the gear stick so we can only go somewhere local that will be safe if our Mistress can’t change gear. Have a lovely day.
      Alfie. x

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