Tuesday 7th February 2017 – Another non swimming day

I know I moan about going swimming, but I’m actually disappointed that I still can’t go because of my ear. It is improving but our Mistress says she can still see wax further down so she doesn’t think we should be stopping the drops just yet. On the bright side, it did Aristotle good going last week so another week for him may not be a bad idea. Shadow is going too for her weigh in. She says if she has not lost weight then she’s giving up on the diet, but I think our Mistress has other ideas.

Shadow heard from both her brothers yesterday. Kai is very well, although he would get fat too if his humans didn’t restrict what he eats. Rocky was off to the vet as he has hurt his eye, so we just want to send him get well wishes. For her birthday walk it was very cold and freezing fog. She didn’t get to see very far which she said meant there were fewer things that she wanted to chase, which was a shame. The front of our Mistress’s hair froze which was funny. She was grateful that Aristotle wasn’t wanting to walk too far. On the bright side at least it wasn’t too wet and muddy underfoot. She is counting the days down to the arrival of her new boots and hoping it doesn’t rain too much in the meantime. In the end she got a bit carried away with her bidding on auctions and has actually bought two pairs of boots, one of which were new and one have been worn a few times. As both of them together still cost a lot less than a new pair she was very happy. As long as she doesn’t start wanting me to go for walks so she can use them more I don’t mind!

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