Friday 20th January 2017 – Muddy Puppy

Wilma had a playdate with Ari’s half-brother Bernie yesterday. She came home covered in mud, which with Wilma is always a good sign. They went to the York Racecourse and ran and ran. Wilma said she was pretending to be a racehorse as she kept chasing Bernie. As always Bernie was happy to chase the ball and Wilma was happy to chase Bernie. The only times she got hold of the ball were when Bernie wanted a rest, to get him to chase her for it. She just doesn’t get the whole playing ball thing, much to Shadow’s exasperation. Shadow says she really has tried very hard to teach Wilma, but with no luck at all.

Wilma begrudgingly said that all the fun she had yesterday does make up to some extent for the fact she’s not now going away this weekend. Unfortunately, our Mistress isn’t feeling well and has had to decide that a quiet weekend will be better for her. Where she thinks she’s going to get quiet with all of us around, I really don’t know.

We made the front page of Dog World this week. Our Club is campaigning to ask that if the age of importing of puppies increases to six months, there could be an exception built in for breed clubs to be able to import puppies for breeding, to widen the gene pool. Our Mistress has written to the Government Select Committee on our behalf and the newspaper has run a story about it. I think it may need lots of other Clubs to take it up as well before we would be successful, but we really do need to try as it’s very important for the long term future of breeds such as ours. Hopefully it being in the newspaper will help.

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