I know it’s still only January but I’ve concluded that if that’s all the snow I’m going to get then I may as well turn my thoughts toward summer. I had a lovely muddy romp and bounce with a dog called Pebbles on Saturday. She’s a bit older and got fed up with me eventually, but it was fun up to that point. I played with a Labrador whose name I don’t remember a couple of days before that and if all goes to plan I have a date with Bernie Entlebucher on Thursday this week. Then next weekend I’m going to see Heidi and Bella. I don’t think Bella will want to play with me, but Heidi might if she’s well enough. I’d love to play with Aristotle at home, but his leg has been hurting him too much and he’s under strict instructions not to bounce around with me. It’s so hard. I love bouncing and in reality so does he.
I did have to have a shower after playing with Pebbles. Somehow Mum was less keen on me bringing mud into the house than I am. You should have seen the state of the shower once I’d finished. It’s a good job it’s only just inside the back door. Still I made up for being clean by tearing around the back garden and getting muddy again. I’ve created a bit of a race track and corner on what was a bank of grass until I turned it into a patch of mud. Mum says it looks as though they’ve run the Grand National round our back garden from the state I’ve left it in. Hopefully it will all grow again in the spring, but some of it may be beyond hope. Still, it was ruined in a good cause.
Have a lovely week
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