Wednesday 4th January 2017 – Making me work hard

Swimming yesterday was not the easy relaxing float I had hoped for. I wanted to kick back and have a post-Christmas gentle time, but no, that wasn’t on the cards. I wasn’t even allowed to rest my back legs and just use my front ones. I tried to get away with not using my back right leg as that was feeling a bit uncomfortable, but were my protestations listened to? No, they were not. ‘Alfie, it will do your leg good to use your leg.’ How can they know that? Is it their leg? It’s me it’s attached to and I know when it would prefer to be a passenger. I was out like a light in the afternoon. To be fair I would not have got in the car but for the fact that I was fooled by my Mistress. I know she realised the other day that I understood outdoor shoes meant there was a risk of me having to go somewhere. She got around that one by coming to get me ready while still wearing her slippers and before putting her coat on. I think I’m going to have to insist on her being bare footed to be on the safe side in future. I realise she could still go and put her socks and shoes on afterwards, but I’d have had a little bit of fun at her expense in the process. I wonder how far I could push it.

Wilma is excited as she is planning a weekend away with our Mistress. The annoying thing is that they will be going to see my girlfriend and I’d quite like to do that if it didn’t involve leaving the house. They are going to see my grandparents too and I miss them as well. If only I still felt like being an adventurous dog.

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