Monday 2nd January 2017 – Nearly Back to Normal

Mum has got that post Christmas feeling where she just wants everything back to normal now so she can carry on. She feels quite ready to take the decorations down, although does like how they brighten the place up. She is also looking forward to Dad going back to work and Andy going back to school so they are out from under her feet. We don’t see it quite the same way. The four of us like having more humans in the house so that they can fuss and stroke us. It’s always better when there are more humans to go around and to be honest work is overrated and we much prefer it when humans don’t work. Mum doesn’t understand that. She likes working and enjoys her routine of interspersing getting things done with walking us. Mind you, I’m going to benefit from at least one of her New Year’s Resolutions, as long as she keeps it. She has resolved to do walks of increasing lengths month by month. So one day in January we are doing a four mile walk, then five in February, six in March and so on. To be fair, we do normally walk about a mile and a half or more every day, so four miles is not that far. It has to be me that does it with her as Shadow is not up for long walks anymore and Aristotle can’t go that far because of his legs. She says we’ll pick a fine day so that it isn’t too miserable and I can help decide where I want to walk. I think we’re going to walk from home to our normal walk and back for the first one, but we’ll try to do different routes each time to make it more interesting. I guess the one in December of fifteen miles may take us a little longer, but that presumes we do all the others first.

Have a happy Monday and a good week, Ari is back to writing tomorrow

Love Wilma

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