Dear pups, a very happy Christmas to you all. This year I want to talk to you about the wonderful work done by so many devoted medical staff for both humans and animals. It’s very easy sitting at home with our turkey or goose and our glass of wine, or in our case water, but even today there are thousands of medical staff around the country keeping humans and animals alike safe and well. I would ask you to raise your bowls and drink a toast to all the lovely vets and veterinary nurses, and doctors and human nurses who take such good care of us. I would like you to think especially of those who spend their Christmas looking after animals and humans in need of care. It’s hard work and means they cannot be with their own families at Christmas, but without them … well it just doesn’t bear thinking about, so thank you to them all.
We don’t always realise how very lucky we are. There are hundreds of dogs and humans around the country who through no fault of their own are having to spend their Christmas in hospital and, for those following her story, little Heidi is one of them. I’ll tell you more about Heidi in a moment, but first my very best wishes to all who are ill or suffering at this time.
Sadly Heidi is one of the ones spending Christmas in hospital. After the operation she had recently, scar tissue was preventing the urine flowing away from her kidney and it was becoming dangerously swollen. If nothing had been done then it would have been seriously bad news. There were three options, only one of which could have had a happy outcome. The lovely specialists at the Animal Health Trust operated on Heidi on Thursday to fit a stent into her ureter to allow the kidney to drain properly. Thankfully, early indications are good, but poor little Heidi who has been through so much is spending her first Christmas in hospital. We are still desperately raising money to cover her treatment so if after all the turkey and over indulgence you’ve left any coppers at the bottom of your purse, please think about making a small donation towards the fundraising to bring her to full health. In any case today, please spare a moment to send a little prayer in her direction that she can finally come home and start on the road to full recovery. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/HeidiEntlebucher
Have a wonderful Christmas
With all my love
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Alfie, lovely to hear from you and such a heart warming message at this special time. Thank you for telling us about Heidi. We will be sending her lots of love and sending best wishes to all the lovely Vets and nurses. Have a brilliant day, Love Dickens and the gang XXXXXX
It’s Wilma here, Alfie is resting and getting over the excitement. It was a good day. I hope yours was too.
A lovely Christmas message Alfie. A very Happy Christmas to you. Hope you all have a lovely waggy, woofy time. Lots of love Sammi. xxx
ps. Gill sends her love too.xxx
I’ll tell him, Sammi. He’s putting his paws up. Hope your day was great too and of course your human’s
Love Wilma.