Friday 9th December 2016 – Heidi is out of hospital

Alfie looking all gentle and sleepy

We received news yesterday that my girlfriend’s human could collect Heidi and take her home to continue her recuperation in more comfortable surroundings. Her condition hasn’t changed much since the day before, but they decided she is well enough to be at home but stay quiet. It’s very hard to keep one of us quiet, but hopefully it won’t be too difficult. She has to go back for a check up on Monday, so we’ll know more about how she’s doing after that. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a picture of her too.

I seem to be doing fine and am completely over whatever happened earlier in the week. Which is great news for me and means I can look forward to a nice relaxing weekend putting my paws up. I’m just hoping it was a one off and doesn’t happen again.

Our Mistress went to a wreath making course at the village pub on Wednesday night. She didn’t expect to do very well, but is quite pleased with the result. It is now hanging on our front door and will be fine until we have a windy day! When she first hung it she realised she had hung it right over the letterbox so had to shorten the ribbon so that the postman didn’t get too fed up with it. The best bit is the little robin sitting on the bottom of it. Our Mistress would now like the real robin in the garden to perch on it so that she can see them both together. The real one is rather bigger so would show up better. I think the wreath is the last of the Christmas decorations to go up and she’s given up on the idea of turning the porch into Santa’s grotto. We’ll just have to make do with Santa coming to the Carols on the Green in the village in another week.

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  1. Your Mistress did a lovely job on the wreath but can’t help but wonder if Santa has been on the Christmas tipple?!

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