I know you’re all waiting to hear how Heidi is after her operation, but as I write this I’m still waiting to hear, so I shall have to let you know tomorrow.
In the meantime something very strange happened here yesterday. When we got up the big trees in the back garden were still covered in golden leaves. It definitely looked like autumn at first light. Then as the sun came up it was like it was snowing leaves and all in one go they gently fell off the tree. Within three hours the trees were completely bare and the garden looked like winter. Even our Mistress said she’d never seen anything like it and she’s much older than I am. The leaves had stayed on the tree much later than they normally do and she thinks it was because we had a sudden drop in temperature and a sharp frost overnight. Then as the sun thawed them slightly they all just gave up their hold on the tree and fell off. As a result the garden is now very deep in leaves and the summerhouse roof is completely covered. Our Mistress says she had probably better get the step ladder out and clear them off, but given she’s still not awfully stable at the moment I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.
All of Shadow, Aristotle and Wilma were excited about the cold weather and kept asking if I thought it might snow. I just curled up by the radiator and was very reluctant to get into the car when our Mistress said it was time to go swimming. I do not need to go out in cold weather. Not even a little bit. Thankfully it was nice and sunny, which did cheer me up a little but they made me work really hard at my swimming again and I wasn’t so thrilled about that.
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