Our Mistress is taking Christmas very seriously this year. Actually, when I say seriously, it’s more that she is determined that she, and the rest of us, will all enjoy it. When someone is determined you are going to enjoy yourself it is usually bad news. She has bought two Christmas jumpers this year. One for her and one … for me! Who is she kidding? Why would I want to wear a Christmas jumper. Ok, I’m old, I do seem to be shedding and I do like to be nice and cosy, but there is a principle involved here. I am not a toy dog! As the jumper has not yet arrived I’m hoping it will either a) get lost on route or b) be too small. The latter is the most likely, in which case all I can say is ‘Good luck, Wilma!’ Mind you, knowing Wilma, she’ll be thrilled at the opportunity of dressing like our Mistress.
Another little plan and as I’m telling you a couple of days early I need you not to mention it, is a special advent calendar for the humans in the family. It has little pockets on it and in each one she’s writing them a little ‘I owe you’ note for something that they might want. Thinks like ‘Being late for dinner without being in trouble’ for my Master and ‘the washing being done for the following day’ for Andy. Lots of little gifts of love that will inconvenience her and give them something they will want. It’s a bit like a chance to play a joker in a game. It certainly seems better than chocolate. I want her to do one for me too, with things in it like ‘a day snuggled up together without the others’. She has bought an Advent Candle too so that we can count the days off to Christmas. If she’s not careful she’s going to have us all entering into the spirit of it and that wouldn’t match my usual dour demeanour.
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