You are amazing. It is just two weeks since I wrote to you outlining why we need to raise £6,000 to cover treatment for Heidi who was born with ectopic ureter (a condition where the line from the kidneys to the bladder joins in the wrong place) and we are all overwhelmed by your response. When things go wrong for us dogs, we depend on you humans to help us put them right and it just show us what a special bond we all have between us. Thank you.
So far through a combination of the Just Giving page and offline donations we have raised £4500 towards the total. The humans have, on the strength of that, booked Heidi in for her assessment and surgery. She is going to the Animal Health Trust today for final assessment with the plan being for her to stay in and be operated on tomorrow. That means she couldn’t eat from last night and I’m not sure she’ll be allowed to eat tonight either. She’s going to be a very hungry little girl.
She is a strong little dog, but this will be a lot for her to cope with. The surgery is major and her recovery will take time. Your thoughts and prayers for our brave little friend will be appreciated. We hope sincerely that this might be the beginning of a new life for Heidi and that when she has recovered from surgery she will be able to be placed in her forever home.
Thank you to everyone who has helped so far, every one of your donations large and small has made this possible. For those who are still thinking of donating, yes please, we do still have £1500 to raise.
You can donate here https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/HeidiEntlebucher
On behalf of Heidi, thank you.
Love Alfie
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE