I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m staying in. I never did like the rain at the best of times and it’s amazing just how long I can wait to go to the toilet unless absolutely made to go out. Shadow and Ari had walks when the rain was only light yesterday, but by the time Wilma went out for hers there was water everywhere and it was still coming down fairly fast. Wilma of course loves it. Our Mistress unsurprisingly does not, especially because her relatively new walking boots leak! Oh she’s sprayed them with waterproofing stuff but she thinks there is a bit of a design flaw to them and is going to write to the manufacturers. Both our Mistress and Wilma did dry out eventually, but at least one of them is not looking forward to repeating the whole episode again today. Apart from going swimming, when ironically I will get wetter than any of them, I’m going to sit here and enjoy the view from the window. What is nice in our house is when our Master and Mistress had the house extended before they moved in, they had some of the windows put in at a level so we could see out of them while sitting or lying down. Our Mistress explained to the architect exactly why she wanted them like that and fortunately he had a dog so he understood.
It was funny listening to our Mistress trying to convince the Tesco’s delivery driver that she is neither an alcoholic nor slightly mad. Our order included all the alcohol for the pantomime bar at the village hall this week and there was quite a lot! It also included our Mistress filling the freezer with mince pies so that our Master can have one every day of the year with his packed lunch. There is a tally on the side of the freezer to say exactly how many weeks’ supply have been stashed away. It’s a big job bagging them all up and freezing them.
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
What a beautiful view. You are very lucky Alfie 🙂
Thank you. Yes, we think we’re lucky too.
Have a woofly day