You’ve just got to see this lovely picture of Wilma’s nephew Dante or Ralph as he’s going to be called. He’s moving to the UK to live when he’s old enough and Wilma is very excited about that. She has all sorts of plans of things she can teach him when they get chance to meet. She is determined to take him in paw and teach him to be a good Entlebucher just like I have with her… or at least I think that’s what she said.
It’s funny seeing my puppy all grown up and thinking it’s now nearly a year since I went to collect her. Our Mistress has warned me that she will start going through teenage soon and then we’ll all be in trouble. She is a very strong willed and determined little soul, but the problem is she always has a smile on her face as she makes sure she gets her own way so it can be quite hard to say ‘no’ to her. Our Mistress says that now she’s back at her training classes it should help with some of that, although I don’t think Wilma sees it quite like that.
Shadow has been suffering from a bit of stiffness this week. She’s has two days where she didn’t really feel like going for her usual walk. Our Mistress has made her go, but has had to wait for her every so often so Shadow could have little rests along the way. On the bright side my wound is almost healed over now. I’m hoping to get this cone off by the end of the weekend at the latest. Then I can start to move around like a normal dog again and I just can’t wait. The first thing I’m going to do is get on the settee, which has been next to impossible these last few week.
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