Saturday 1st October 2016 – Drum Roll for the Winners…

Happy weekend everyone, it’s Aristotle here again and I’m pleased to tell you it’s time to announce the lucky winners in our free Discover Dogs ticket competition. Of course the real winner is Wilma as she is going to the show with our Mistress and is bound to have a wonderful time. If you are one of our lucky winners and see her there, please go and say hello.

This is where I get to use the random number generator programme on the computer. It’s only a little thing, but I think it’s fun. Anyway here we go…

One pair of tickets goes to Christine Buttigieg-Hall and the other pair go to Ruth Turner. Of course they both correctly said that our breed comes from Switzerland. Well done to both of you and your tickets will be on their way to you in the next couple of days.


We’re very sorry they didn’t win but we’d like to introduce you to some of our new friends. We’ve got Arthur who’s a Corgi mix, hello Arthur, and Tink the


Dachshund who is showing off her favourite ball, hello Tink. Maybe your humans will win another time.

If you haven’t won there is still plenty of time to buy advance tickets at a discount. Wilma has got her heart set on going to watch the flyball in the main ring. She doesn’t think she would be awfully good at it herself but our Mistress has told her about it saying that she always thought it would have been something Megan would have enjoyed. I think our Mistress wants to get her to see the ‘Trick and Treat and Obedience Training’ in the hope they can pick up some ideas.

I’ve been saving my pocket money so they can bring me back lots of exciting goodies from the stalls, although our Mistress has said there will be a limit to how much they can carry with going on the train.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE