Friday 30th September 2016 – Waiting for news

Alfie yesterday

We’re waiting for news of the safe arrival of three more Entlebuchers in the UK. They are all coming from Switzerland. There are a brother and sister and then another little boy. It really is exciting. It will take us up to 76 in the country. I want to still be around to see the breed get to at least 100. I think that’s achievable and hopefully I’ll be around to watch them grow up too. There is another one arriving from Switzerland at the beginning of December and three litters in the planning stages to be born in this country. Oh and all being well two more puppies will come from Switzerland by next summer. That would probably get us up to 94 by the time I’m just over 11 ½. If Wilma does manage to get permission to breed, maybe she could be the one to give birth to the 100th That would be a little bit special.

In the meantime, I’ve found myself wishing I could go swimming. That would at least mean my leg had healed and to be fair, I’d just like to be going out to somewhere I know and feel comfortable. I’m just bored and going stir crazy. I think our Mistress is going to see if there is any way I can spend a bit of time in the office to cheer me up, but she’s going to have to get Wilma to sit somewhere else for us to do that, so she doesn’t lick my leg. I suggested that as Wilma is happy in the car, maybe she could sit there for an hour before her walk just to give me a change of scene. Our Mistress says she’ll give it a go and see if we can make it work.

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