I am one excited dog. Mum has said I can definitely go to London to Discover Dogs on October 22nd. We’re going on the train just Mum and me. Oh do say you’ll be there so I can meet you. If you haven’t got tickets don’t forget that Aristotle is running a competition this week so you can win a pair absolutely free (HERE). The competition is for humans, I’ve got a special pass so I can go and report for you all, normally unless they are taking part dogs can’t go. Mum’s booked us a window seat on the train so I can look out. That will be
so much better. I had to sit in the corridor on a train before and I didn’t really like that. I’m actually going on two train journeys in October as I’m going with Mum when she visits Birmingham too. I’m so glad that my season is over so I can start to do things again. It’s such a chore having to stay home out of the way and I miss out on so much. I can’t start back to dog training just yet, but by later this week I should be allowed to do pretty much everything. I’m in a show on Thursday if all goes well and that’s quite exciting too. Mum’s also said as the weather starts to cool down as long as I don’t mind waiting for her in the car sometimes I can go pretty much everywhere she does. She has asked if I could be a bit patient about sleeping next to her though. She wants to spend a few more nights with Alfie until he’s really back on his feet and she can’t risk me trying to take care of him by licking his leg.
See you soon, I hope
Love Wilma
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE