Mum says she’s never seen Alfie looking as sad as he did when he got home yesterday. With having both his paw and elbow operated on hi whole leg was uncomfortable and awkward. His bandage almost comes up to his elbow and then from there he’s got some stitches on his elbow and it’s the side he normally rests his head when he lies down, so he can’t get comfortable. The lumps have been sent off for analysis and we’ll hear what they are in the next couple of days. They definitely aren’t fatty lumps, but we knew that already really. He has to keep off his leg as much as possible, so is only allowed to go out to go to the toilet. It also means Mum has to sit still next to him or he wants to move anyway. We’re sleeping downstairs with him so he doesn’t have to be on his own. He has to go to the vet again tomorrow to have his dressing changed on his paw. The rest of us have to be quiet and stay out of the way until he’s a bit better, which is easier said than done. Last night he was all wobbly from his anaesthetic too, but that’s starting to improve. The hardest bit at the moment is being told not to lick it. He says it’s one of those things. He wouldn’t have thought to lick it if no one had said anything, but now they’ve put the thought there it’s an all-consuming desire. He has a collar to wear if he starts licking, but he won’t sit down while wearing the collar which means he puts pressure on his paw. He can’t win. It works best as long as Mum is there to keep an eye on him at all times. To be fair, right now I think that works best for both of them.
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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Hello Alfie, well done you have been a very brave boy. We` re proud of you. It will be a few strange days while your paw and elbow heals but take it easy and rest plenty. Lots of love to you and all your mates there who are helping you. Dickens and the gang XXXXXXXX.
Thanks, Dickens. Wilma has had to be shut in the other room as she is trying to lick it to take care of me and that’s not what I need right now. I’m resting.
Love Alfie xxx
Poor Alfie, you’ve been very brave! I hope all the dressings are off soon, and results are good. Hugs xxx
Thank you. Being brave doesn’t come easily. xxx
Chin up Alfie, enjoy the cuddles xx
I was just given a rather nice Hob-nob biscuit too, so it’s not all bad 🙂
Alfie xxx
Alle Kornrieder wünschen Dir lieber Alfie gute Besserung und dass die Untersuchung keine schlechten Nachrichten ergeben. Liebste Grüsse vom Berner Oberland Maja und Fritz, Whoopy, Tosca und Beija-Flor
Alfie sagt danke. Er schläft. Er ist sehr müde.