Sunday 11th September 2016 – Wilma is sad


Wilma has asked if I can make sure to send her love to her Mum, sister and the puppies and say she’s thinking about them all. Sadly, their other housemate, Käthi, died suddenly from a brain tumour on Friday. Käthi was another of our breed and played an important part in Wilma’s early weeks. She was twelve and a half years old and really did look to be a lovely girl. As you can imagine, Wilma is a bit subdued as it’s the first real loss she’s experienced. She says she wishes she could be there to comfort her mum.

Meanwhile at this end, Wilma’s hormones are playing havoc with my behaviour. It’s making me so competitive and even though poor Alfie is trying to rest, I feel the need to reinforce my position as young macho male. I know it’s illogical. I know I can’t do anything about it, but believe me when that scent is on the air, it really wouldn’t stop me trying. To be fair, Wilma did not make herself awfully popular yesterday morning by standing on our Mistress’s eye while she was trying to sleep. Thankfully her eyelid was closed, so although it’s now a bit scratched and bruised, there’s no real harm done. Our Mistress was not impressed and said there are better ways to be woken. Apparently a good morning kiss would have sufficed.

Alfie is being all clingy and worrying about his operation. The lump on his elbow is getting

bigger by the day and he says it’s uncomfortable. Our Mistress says she thinks there’s a second one on his paw too. I think Tuesday will be tough for all of us as I know our Mistress will be stressed while he is being operated on. He’s gone back to trying to sleep on the bed by our Mistress’s feet, which he hasn’t done for ages. She of course is letting him, even if it means she’s stiff when she gets up.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. So sorry to hear the sad news, Ari, hugs to you all, and my kind thoughts to Alfie for Tuesday, hope all goes well! xx

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