Saturday 27th August 2016 – Aristotle feeling sad

Hello everyone. I’m not quite so bouncy as normal. My leg has been bad again and I’m starting to feel a bit worried about it. I had to ask not to go for a walk again yesterday, but to be honest I’m quite fed up of resting it. Sitting with your paws up on your own, isn’t much fun when you’re starting to think there may not be much prospect of it improving. We had a bit of a heart to heart, our Mistress and me as I limped back to the car from where we’d gone. She thinks it would help if I didn’t have the mad urge to chase Wilma round the garden every so often. I know she’s right, but it’s Wilma. She taunts me and won’t accept no for an answer. Our Mistress has been keeping us apart so I’m less tempted but that’s no fun and I miss her. I’m getting lots and lots of love and cuddles and our Mistress is trying her best to make me feel extra special, but I’m a bit sad. We’re going to change where we walk to somewhere even softer underfoot and maybe spend some time with me just sitting out in the garden with our Mistress without Wilma around. I did ask what would happen in the future if my legs got worse, but our Mistress said I shouldn’t be worrying about that yet. The problem is, I am worrying. She says I can go swimming again next week as Alfie is still enjoying some exercise in the garden. She did say that when I was a puppy the specialist talked about operations I might be able to consider but that they were for the future. Maybe it’s the future now and I’ll need to go to see them to talk about it. It’s not easy having bad legs.



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  1. Oh Ari, that’s not good.
    Ask your mistress to look into ‘golden paste’ and she can make homemade versions for you. It should help a lot with your inflammation and make you a lot happier. Worth a try right? I know people that swear by it. I think you only need a small amount on your food, maybe 1tsp a day to start. 🙂

    • My Golden Paste arrived yesterday and I tried it for the first time at breakfast this morning. I only had the tiniest bit, but it made me sick, so now I’m feeling very sorry for myself.

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