Wednesday 24th August 2016 – Puddle Monster

After Wilma’s trip to the seaside and her unfortunate sea drinking incident, she rather went off getting her paws wet. It’s taken over a month for her to forget how upset she was, that and some torrential rain earlier in the week. When they went for a walk on Monday, Wilma rediscovered her love of muddy puddles and was a very happy girl. Since then she’s even seen fit to get into her paddling pool with all four paws, which given how hot it was yesterday seemed like a very good idea. She’s now all set for whatever autumn throws her way and plans to make the most of it, as she did last winter. Our Mistress is increasing the size of the pile of towels she keeps in the car ready for such occasions and has asked Wilma if she could please, just for once, keep muddy paws off our Mistress’s clean clothes. I said the answer was to only ever wear dirty ones, but somehow humans never think that’s such a good idea, or at least the female ones don’t.

I’m looking forward to our grandparents arriving later. I always think it’s good when the ratio of humans to dogs is more than one to one so there are enough hands to go round in stroking us all. I’ve volunteered to sit in with our grandparents so I can get constant attention. I’ve had to promise not to bark so much if I do that. I’ve said I’ll try. Ari is fed up as he’d planned to volunteer too, but I got there first. Besides, he’s still supposed to be resting his leg and shouldn’t be moving about too much. I did spend quite a bit of time outside yesterday while our Mistress sat in the deckchair to work. After a while she said I’d have to go in as she was fed up with me pacing in circles around her chair and not lying down. I got the last laugh. Very soon after that she came in as a bird had flown over and used her as target practice!

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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hi, Wilma
    It’s me, Valeria, your half-sister, and the mother of your nephews, too. I am now a proud mother of four lively young lads I gave birth to last Friday. But all that you already know.
    Knowing that we Entlebuchers are very curious and want to know everything about everything, I tell you some more details that might interest you:
    The first born is DANTE (yes – the “Divine Comedy”-Dante). Well, I don’t know yet how much hell he is going to give me (and my humans). So far he concentrates on growing and neither hears nor sees anything of the world he will have to cope with very soon. By the way: he weighed 465 grams. (Today he’s already reached 723 grams). That delivery was rather a challenge for the very first dog for me to give birth to – and it hurt. I cried out loudly.
    After him came DARCY. Even bigger: 479 grams. (Today: 725). But the birth channel was now ready and he slipped out without problems or pain for me. He’s named after the arrogant Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy who in the end came to terms with the equally headstrong Elizabeth Bennet. Should he ever become a stud dog: I am confident that he will do well. You can’t be called Darcy and not have learned from the novel.
    Two and a half hour later arrived DARWIN. 400 grams. (Today: 644). This name I chose not for literary reasons, although Darwin probably authored more words than Dante or Jane Austen. It’s not that I’m the one that wants to push her children toward any career or job or whatever. With Darwin I just hope that he will never forget his name, and will never ever get the hang of ideas like “intelligent design” or other bullshit of the sort. Thanks very much.
    Another hour later the baby of the family was born. DAVIS, 366 grams. (Today: 598). After the literary and scientific men I wanted a musical one. Miles. I hope he will use his noise-making abilities just for elating people (as Miles) or in absolutely urgent situations when mankind has to be rescued.
    That’s all for the moment. I read your blog every day at 7 o’clock and one minute. Keep writing.
    Kind regards to Alfie, Ari, Shadow, and to Mistress and Master.

  2. Dearest Valeria, this is so exciting. I will ask Alfie if he will tell everyone in tomorrow’s post. Is it of for me to use one of your photos from facebook to show everyone?
    Love to you all

    • Oh, you’ve already read my message! It’s very exciting isn’t it.

      Of course you can use my Mistress’ facebook pictures. But wait: I tell her to make new ones this afternoon. It’s very hot outside, so this is a good opportunity to do some indoor-shooting.

      She will tell you when some nice shots are ready.

      I’d like to have nap now with the boss up in the cool bedroom – if only me little suckers would let me…

      Think very hard if you really want to be a mother…


      • Oh thank you. I’ll look now. I really do want to have puppies of my own one day. I do hope I can. I’d like a little girl if I could and then maybe she could stay here with us, but it won’t be for a while.

  3. OK, Wilma, voilà!

    The shooting’s over. You can see all the pictures on Gina’s facebook site.

    Help yourself.


    Have to go back to the lads. Bye.


    • Oh thank you. I’ll look now. I really do want to have puppies of my own one day. I do hope I can. I’d like a little girl if I could and then maybe she could stay here with us, but it won’t be for a while.

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