Monday 22nd August 2016 – Still off school

Birthday walk - the outtakes - pulling faces for the camera

I’m fed up. I was hoping to go back to school today but I coughed yesterday and Mum said she would leave it until next week. She said she wouldn’t have taken me to the garden centre if she’d thought I might still be coughing. We had to go to avert the Bonio crisis. Now I know you may think that dog biscuits are not the most important things in the world, but you aren’t living with a dog with dementia. If Alfie’s routine is broken he gets very upset and a very important part of his routine is the half a Bonio he has before bed. When it’s time, or at least when he thinks it’s time, he goes and stands staring at the box and barks until Mum agrees with him. The only good thing is that I usually get one as well. His fixation on wanting to play ball is getting worse too. Every time he goes out, even if he really did need the toilet, he goes and stares at the ball, willing Mum to pick it up and throw it for him. It’s a shame he doesn’t want any of the rest of us involved in playing as I’d quite like to have a run round with him now and then. Ari usually runs with me, but his leg is playing up so he’s having to rest it. He’s trying to be brave but he was in quite a bit of pain yesterday so was a bit miserable. He even had to ask to come home from his walk, which is something he hates having to do.

Anyway, it’s an exciting week as my grandparents are coming to stay. I think I’m going to ask to go with Mum to pick them up. It means a lot of time in the car, but I don’t really mind that and it means extra time with Mum, which is always good.

See you soon,

Love Wilma

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