Thursday 18th August 2016 – Now a spoiled little girl!

Wilma is being treated with nothing by the best. I have never in all my nearly eleven years been given Manuka honey on my breakfast and dinner. Our Mistress says that it has healing properties and will soothe her poorly throat. Wilma says she rather likes it, but that’s no great surprise given how expensive it is. Ah well, nothing but the best for our little Wilma. She’s got a new antler to chew on too but she’s being good and sharing it with Aristotle. I told him he was daft wanting to share anything at the moment, but he said he’d take the risk.

I on the other paw have been given a radio to listen to in the hope it helps me calm down a little. There are two real problems so far. Firstly, it is a wind up radio and I can’t turn the little handle so I have to wait for our Mistress to do it for me. It doesn’t seem to run for very long, but that may be because she isn’t turning it enough. Secondly, it isn’t all that good and will only pick up a few stations. I’m sorry, but I was left listening to Steve Wright in the afternoon yesterday and that is enough to wind any dog up. If I’m going to have to listen to it then I see myself more as a classical music dog, but our Mistress couldn’t find the classical stations on it. She’s promised to go up into the loft to see if she can find me the better radio that is up there somewhere. I guess it’s worth a try, so far nothing else seems to be working. I do have an Adaptil plug on order but that’s not due to arrive until Saturday. I guess it’s Steve Wright until then!

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  1. Hello Alfie, just a note that I would like you to pass on to your Mum. Yesterday I won the Recall race at training! We had to run a long way. I beat the springers and terriers.
    My Mum was so proud and I felt like an Olympic medalist. I can be a bit naughty in the classes sometimes so everyone was surprised at my excellent performance.
    It has been raining here and is a lot cooler so looking forward to a long walk today. Love to you all Dickens X

    • Well done, that’s fantastic. Beating those springers is no mean feat. Isn’t it great when we can show them just how wonderful an Entlebucher can be.
      Have a lovely long walk

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