Monday 27th June 2016 – It wasn’t me!


Shadow and I were playing in the garden yesterday morning, as every dog would on a sunny day. However, there was the small question of who was responsible for digging in the new wild flower garden that’s recently been planted. Now I think, as you can see from this photos that I look innocence itself. Shadow on the other paw seems to be rather letting the side down by being caught licking her lips when I’d told her to look as wide eyed and unaware of the incident as possible. Ok, so I’d got dirt up my claws and when I got up the clump of grass I had been hiding was pretty obvious, but at least I managed to maintain by air of ‘it wasn’t me’ while the photographic evidence was being collected.

As no one had chance to have a go during Fun Day because they were manning stalls and they needed to dry the garden games out as well, Dad and Andy took the opportunity for a game of boules. I was nearly in trouble then as I wanted to run off with the little ball they were aiming for, but I was told off in the nick of time. I did run off with one of the skittles though, but was told in no uncertain terms to bring it back immediately. Humans can be so boring. It was funny later on when Mum was inside with us and she started getting texts from Dad saying Andy had locked him in the summerhouse and could she please go and rescue him. She did think of saying that she hadn’t got a signal and therefore hadn’t got the texts but that would have been mean and she’s not really like that. I would have gone to let him out but even standing up on my back legs I can’t quite reach the lock.

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