Tuesday 21st June 2016 – Bring your dog to work

Friday is the annual Bring Your Dog to Work Day here in the UK. It’s organised by some dog charities to raise money for rescuing homeless dogs and it’s a great idea. We’re really lucky as we work with our Mistress every day. She reversed the whole idea and brought her office to the dog. Actually to be fair, she went one step further than that and when they designed the extension to the house the office was designed around being a good place for us dogs to be, including having a big picture window that goes right down to floor level so we can look out on the garden in between napping. Not all dogs are as fortunate, so now is your opportunity to talk to your employer about having Friday as a special day where you can take your best friend to work with you. I’ll tell you a bit about the charity behind it in a minute, but if you work somewhere that your dog can go too then why not drop us an email and we’ll give a big paws up to all those companies that welcome dogs in the work place. Feel free to send us your pictures too. It’s great that some places do it not just for a day but the whole year.

If your company doesn’t do that yet (shame on them) the lovely people at Euroffice have put together the great information sheet (at the end of this post) on how to go about putting it in place.

You can read about the charity behind the idea HERE. They work mainly in the south of England rescuing dogs that have no home of their own. They started the idea a couple of years ago and it’s a fun way to raise money for an important job. There are details of how to donate on their site.

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

Bring your dog to work