Oh happy day. I weighed myself yesterday and I’ve lost half a kilogram. I hate dieting so finding it’s working is the best boost I can have. Our Mistress still says she wants me to lost maybe another kilogram, but I don’t think she means it. That would put me at my lowest weight as an adult and that really can’t be right. She says that she is hoping that taking a little of the pressure off my joints will help. I said that I was happier if we could achieve that through medication rather than dieting, but apparently it has to be a little of each. Something is working as I rather enjoyed swimming yesterday and wagged my tail almost the whole time I was there. Except while I was actually swimming of course as that’s a bit more difficult as I tend to lost balance if I do that. My friend at swimming said she liked the lavender smell on my coat, which cheered me up a bit about using it. I don’t understand why they can’t do a fox poo aromatherapy spray. I can tell you that from a dog’s point of view that would be a whole lot more acceptable.

Our Mistress has decided to take her diet seriously too. It means I’m going to miss out on licking out the ice cream bowl… and the clotted cream container… and the cheese… and Wilma will miss dipping her tongue in the beer… and the wine, but we all have to make sacrifices in the name of a good cause.
Wilma was in a good mood as she had been to see our vet. Our vet says she doesn’t think Wilma’s teeth will cause her any problems and in her opinion it should not be a reason not to breed from her. What she thinks has happened is that Wilma would have had a level bite, but as the teeth have come through the tops ones have gone behind the bottom ones at a slight angle, so although technically it is undershot it is not because of any problem with her jaw. We think that’s good news and now we’ll just have to wait and see how things go.
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