Today is a bank holiday so I don’t have to go to school this evening. To be honest I’m disappointed as I do rather like seeing all my buddies. I got some exciting news last week as I got the date for my Bronze course and will be starting that next month. It lasts eight weeks and it’s great as the dates are eight weeks that we are completely free so we shouldn’t miss any. I hope I can start my silver straight after, but if I do Mum says I’ll miss one of them, but I think we can work round that.
Yesterday the visit to Granny and Grandpa wasn’t quite as I’d hoped. I’d envisaged a day of being spoiled. Instead I sat with Mum while she tried to repair their computer for them. You would not believe how much a human can swear at a computer and curse something called Windows and a company called Microsoft! It got really bad when she wanted to listen to an important football game and she couldn’t get it to tell her what was happening. By the time she could get the football it was one all and someone had been sent off. I can’t say I have a clue what any of that means and even when Alfie tried explaining I was none the wiser. He says he quite enjoys watching football and checking if he can find the ball behind the television. Apparently it’s never been there yet, but Mum told him it was a bit like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and he should keep looking, just in case!
We didn’t get home until quite late and Mum was still cursing computers when we got home. Hopefully today will be better. Alfie found the trip quite hard. There was a dog in next doors garden and he got himself rather wound up about it. He was even trying to break though the hedge and our Mistress said he could only go out on a lead after that. I did my best to help him.
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