Our Mistress didn’t like to take any photos of Wilma at her first ringcraft class as she wasn’t sure what the etiquette was. Besides which it’s fair to say that from what she said she had her hands a little full with Wilma. It was funny hearing the two versions of the events. Here they are below:
Wilma’s version: “Oh Ari, it was amazing, there were lots of other dogs and some of them were really beautiful. Most of them seemed to know what they had to do and some weren’t even allowed to play. Even the puppies there seemed to have an idea. Our Mistress wasn’t very good, but I spent all night watching the others and trying to get it right. I got a bit overexcited and was jumping more than I was supposed to and I got a bit tired and just wanted to lie down when I was supposed to be standing, but I did my best to look after our Mistress and make sure she didn’t feel too anxious. I do think she needs more training and I wasn’t completely happy with how she was standing when it came to judging and her running is a bit clumsy.”
Our Mistress’s version. “There were three Bearded Collies who were beautiful, especially the two puppies. There was a two year old too who was feeling very nervous and Wilma was very sweet trying to make her feel ok. There was a Clumber Spaniel who looked indignant when Wilma wanted to play and a Sheltie who didn’t like other dogs getting too close to her bottom. There was the tiniest fifteen week old pug, who got very tired by the end of it. Wilma did ok for a first time, but wasn’t keen to stand for ages and get pretty fed up of having her teeth checked, but then you would. I wasn’t very good at it, but Wilma was very patient with me. We were both worn out by the end of the night and have some practicing to do. I bought a book for us to read together and I think we both prefer the idea of being curled up on the settee with a book. We’ve said we’ll do it though, so even if it is just to get us through Crufts next year we will stick to our word. Who knows, we may even get to enjoy it!”
Wilma will get some practice this afternoon when she has to act as a model for the judge training. I hope she remembers what she’s learnt so far! I think she is hoping to take some photos of that and tell you about it tomorrow.
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
My dear daughter Wilma, I once was in a show when I was one year old. It was exciting, because also my mistress hadn’t have any experience in dog shows. I was so nervous that I refused to show my teeth. So the judge couldn’t judge me, but nevertheless it was a good adventure for us. A single one, because in Switzerland we Entlebucher needn’t to go to shows. In the meanwhile showing my teeth is no problem anymore. Be patient and do as your mistress tells you to do. You once will be best in show!!! Hugs’n’kisses from your mother.
Dear Mama
I’m not very good at showing my teeth yet either, but I’m learning. I don’t think I’ll be going to many shows, but I will try to do really well. I do like all the attention.
Your loving daughter