Wednesday 27th January 2016 – Alfie is poorly

It’s me, Aristotle again. Alfie has got gastroenteritis and is feeling very under the weather. Of course, he’s blaming me for it as I was ill last week, but I pointed out to him I wasn’t sick at all, just the other end and even that wasn’t as bad as he is. I’m having to sit in the other room as apparently it’s not ok to keep annoying him when he feels that unwell. I said he could be somewhere else, but as he keeps needing to go out in great haste that’s not entirely practical. Wilma is having the sense to leave him alone. Partly it’s because she is a goody four-paws and partly as she said herself she doesn’t want to catch anything.

Wilma looking tired
Wilma looking tired

She came swimming with me yesterday, which was fun. I was trying to show off as you can imagine. Then I sat in the car while Wilma went into the pet shop with our Mistress. She loved it. There were lots of people to say hello to and she said she really liked looking at the rabbits too. She chose some new training treats to take with her to class last night. Our Mistress said she could have them on condition they would make her do everything she was told. You know what it’s like, you promise the world when you want something, but that doesn’t mean you follow it up with what was expected. Except this is Wilma we are talking about, so she did follow it up. She loves learning and loves doing what our Mistress wants her to. She says it makes sense as she’s already finding that means she gets to go to lots more nice places. She’s going to Switzerland for a few days in April so I suppose she has a point. I still can’t bring myself to be good in the hope of some future gain, though. I’m more of a ‘show me the treat now’ kind of dog.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hi Ari, sorry to hear about Alfie. Please send our best wishes to him and hope he is better soon. Lots of love Dickens and all my family XXXXXX
    PS Thank you for taking over the diary I love to read it when I wake up in the morning!

    • Thank you, I’ll tell him. He’s had a very small amount of turkey and rice this morning and we are waiting to see what happens. x

  2. Hi Ari. Poor Alfie. We do hope he is feeling better soon. Please send him our Best Wishes again and tell him we are thinking of him. Hope the rest of you have a lovely woofy and tail waggy day. Love Gill & Sammi xx.

    • Thank you. I’ll tell him. He’s resting right now. Wilma has got a muddy play date today so she will be happy! Have a woofly day.

    • Our Mistress says I should say ‘Danke’. He has had a little turkey and rice and so far kept it down. He’s sleeping again now.
      Love Ari

  3. Well, well – this Wilma! Ari, honestly now: is she really that good?

    I think I’d better try not to let it get to my head.

    Thanks for the daily news from all of you. It’s fun to read this diary every morning with the first lap of water.

    Best wishes for Alfie from me, too.


    • Would you believe that Wilma actually got applause at her dog training class yesterday – twice! I never got that, mind you I was always too busy barking to have heard it!
      She’s off to play in the mud today.
      Love Ari.

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