Tuesday 26th January 2016 – Go Basil!

Sharing our Mistress

It’s Aristotle here as Alfie isn’t feeling very well at the moment and said he’d like to spend the day in bed. Anyway, it works out quite well as I’ve got amazing news about my brother Basil (Beethoven from Mum’s second litter). He’s hoping to be a father! How cool would that be? He passed all his tests last year and has been waiting for a suitable partner. Our Mistress worked out that he was a match for Aida and we’ve been waiting for Aida’s season

Basil and Aida
Basil and Aida

to start. On Sunday, the two of them made history by being the first ever Entlebucher mating where both dogs had been born in the UK. It’s really exciting and if things go well then it means Mum (Shadow) will become a grandma for the first time. I know I’m already an uncle to dogs born on dad’s side, but this is the first time that I’ll have nieces and nephews in the UK and I just can’t wait. Of course, there are no guarantees and things may not work out, but we will be following Aida’s progress very carefully. She’s a very good looking dog and got excellent in her conformation test in Switzerland. We all know how handsome Basil is by the number of shows he’s won, quite apart from his test. There could be some very pretty little puppies around, which would be just great.

Don’t forget to enter my competition to win your very own Pet Mirror. You can find the details HERE and you’ve got until Friday to enter.

Right, I’d better get myself ready to go swimming as Alfie isn’t well. He was going, but as he’s got a poorly tummy he’s best at home. It means Wilma can watch me instead, so I’ll probably be showing off.

You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hi Ari. Glad you are feeling better now. Poor Alfie I hope he is feeling better soon. Enjoy your swimming. Fingers crossed for Basil and Aida. A woofy tail waggy day to you all. xx

    • Thank you. Alfie’s still poorly but I’ll pass on your good wishes and the the happy couple. Have a woofly day.

    • Thank you. It’s all very exciting. Aida lives not far from us too so hopefully I’ll get to see my nieces and nephews.
      Love from

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