Monday 25th January 2016 – Shadow’s Story

Rino and Shadow
Rino and Shadow

The first time Shadow had puppies, she travelled to Switzerland and met Rino and she and our Mistress were coming home. At Eurotunnel check-in for Shadow Our Mistress tried to check Shadow’s chip. She tried and tried but couldn’t get a reading. They tried a different reader and another. Our Mistress scanned all the way over Shadow’s body… nothing. They went to a vet in Calais, but he wasn’t interested that Shadow might be pregnant and wouldn’t allow our Mistress to stay with Shadow. Shadow didn’t want to be on her own so they left. Our Mistress drove Shadow back to Switzerland where she knew she’d be able to stay until everything was sorted out. Shadow’s microchip had failed- she couldn’t go home! The vet put a new chip in and sent her old one to the Lab to see if they could read it. In those days, a dog had to wait seven months to travel after a new chip and rabies vaccination! Given that puppies only take 9 weeks to develop Shadow might have had her puppies in Switzerland. Our Mistress made all the arrangements she could and hoped she would get good news from the Lab and Shadow could go home. Sadly our Mistress had to leave Shadow with one of her friends and come home alone.

Our Mistress tried to find a solution, but not even a dna record was accepted as proof she was the same dog. Either the original microchip had to be read or Shadow wasn’t travelling. After two weeks, the Lab said the microchip could not be read. Shadow would have to stay. Our Mistress promised to go back to Switzerland to be with Shadow for the birth. It was all very distressing for everyone.

Little Aristotle day 3
Little Aristotle day 3

Another week went by then we had a phone call. One of the researchers at the Laboratory hadn’t given up on Shadow. He carried on working and managed to read the number. The paperwork could be completed and Shadow could come home. You can only begin to imagine how much our Mistress cried.

Aristotle gets a helping hand
Aristotle gets a helping hand

After three and a half weeks, our Mistress was reunited with a very excited Shadow and they started their journey home. At check in this time there was lots of paperwork that had to be checked. Our Mistress was shaking as she presented it all and burst into tears when she was told they were clear to travel back into England.

My Mistress and Aristotle
My Mistress and Aristotle

Despite the stress and trauma, Shadow went on to have a healthy litter of puppies including our little Aristotle. She says that she thinks she deserves to win a holiday and hopes Eurotunnel and Arden Grange agree. Microchips failing are very rare and we always check ours now before leaving for a trip abroad.

I think Shadow deserves to win the holiday, especially as she says she will take me with her!



    • It certainly is. Insurance says you must have it checked within 14 days of going away too, which is always worth knowing!

  1. Alfie does tell a good tale Rosemary! Lovely read – could have turned out a real drama – the pupoies would have been Swiss citizens then and you didnt want THAT!

    • Thank you. Of course I have a Belgian passport and Wilma’s is Swiss so we’re a fairly multicultural household already. Have a woofly day.

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