Sunday 24th January 2016 – Shadow is disappointed

Shadow thought she was going to see my sister Cinders this weekend, but Cinders’ season has started so she’s not feeling so sociable. It’s such as shame as Wilma was really excited about it too. I’m sure they will get to see her soon, but you know what it’s like when you’ve built your hopes up.

On a brighter note I’m really happy to report that my wind seems to have improved and my tummy is nearly normal again. It’s a good job as even I was getting fed up of being in the same room as my rear end! It also means I’m allowed back in the lounge and I’ve really missed the chance to cuddle up in an evening. Of course, in between cuddling up I do tend to cause mayhem and distraction, but that’s what a dog is for. It wouldn’t be so bad but our Mistress has been trying to concentrate really hard on the knitting she is trying to do. She is still on the samples she has to do before starting on the jumper but so far, except for the times I’ve tried to help, she’s quite pleased with progress.

Shadow and her new harness
Shadow and her new harness

Shadow has been showing off her new harness. It’s quite different to the rest of ours and she’s pleased with it. It is not quite as padded as ours are, but it comes further back behind her legs when going under her chest and that has made the world of difference for her. She has a fatty lump on her chest that was getting quite sore from her old harness. Except for the fact that her old one is pretty worn, she’s told Wilma that when she grows out of her current one she may use it. Whilst that’s very kind of her, the way Wilma is growing I’m not sure that even Shadow’s will be big enough for her when she has finished growing.

Don’t forget to get your entries in if you want the chance to win a Pet Mirror – the details are HERE

Have a great Sunday


You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hope you all have a good weekend, whatever you are doing.
    I made a comment on your blog the other day but it doesn’t appear to have posted so here it is again…
    Laila and Bobby and me met Dixie while out on our walks here in Maltby. First time we’ve seen an Entelbucher in Maltby so we were very pleased to know it was “your” Dixie !
    Dixie and owner both looked fine and were behaving well ?

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