Yesterday our Mistress said to Shadow, ‘Let’s go for a walk up onto Ten Mile Hill.’ Now that makes it sound very grand, but the truth is it’s just the field at our end of the village where there is an old road to a neighbouring village. We used to go up there all the time but there are some dogs up there that shout at us, so we don’t like it very much. Anyway, it flooded recently at the bottom of the hill but it’s been two weeks so our Mistress thought it would have dried out. Oh how wrong she was. The road itself is still covered in water and because the ground is very sandy when she and Shadow stood on what they thought was solid ground they found themselves sinking. Shadow was absolutely covered in mud and had to go through the shower when she got home. Our Mistress’s boots are in a pretty bad state too. They did have a nice walk once they got further up the hill and were very careful walking through it on the way back. Our Mistress says she won’t try taking Wilma that way until it’s dried out a bit more. Wilma was disappointed about that as she took one look at Shadow and said she’d love to go and wallow in all that mud. And that is exactly why she won’t be going there for a while!

On balance we’ve all decided that Wilma has fitted into our little family rather well. She is full of life, but does take no for an answer and shows some respect once something has been pointed out to her. She has such a lovely nature that we can’t help but love her. Oh, she annoys us all every now and then but she does it in such a lovely way that we have to forgive her.
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