Ok, so let’s disregard the fact I’ve been a badly behaved dog for a day or two and been very mean to Alfie and focus on the good stuff. Ok, I know that’s glossing over things, but I’m not proud of myself and in my defence I was only trying to impress Wilma. To be fair, Wilma likes everyone and isn’t mean and it didn’t impress her, so I may need to change my approach anyway. Now back to the good stuff. Wilma and I are trying a spot of synchronised training. She’s learning all the stuff I already know, including the tricks. It means I can try to help training her. What we are doing is following the commands at the same time, one on our Mistress’s right and the other on her left. I’m trying to see if I can get us to the point of doing each action at exactly the same time. It’s fun and Wilma is enjoying it too. Our Mistress was struggling to

have enough hands to hold the treats and take the photos, but she made a good attempt. We can’t do it with Alfie or Shadow in the room too as they want our biscuit rewards and don’t want to join in the fun, so we have to do it just the two of us. Getting all four of us synchronised is never going to happen, especially as our Mistress only has two hands to hold the biscuits. We are working on sit, down, wait and come to a sit, touch (left paw taps our Mistress’s right hand), tap (right paw taps our Mistress’s left hand), twist – go in a anti-clockwise circle and twirl – go in a clockwise circle. We sometimes fall over each other on the circles, but we’ll get the hang of that in time.
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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE