We heard from Dixie in the week. She’s doing really well. She’s growing up fast and trying to remember everything that Mum and our Mistress taught her. When I say her photo I couldn’t help but think she rather looks like me. Of all my brothers and sisters related on my mother’s side I’ve always thought Tucker and I were the most alike, but of course I don’t see photos of all of the others as often so I may be like some of them too. Now I’ve got a sister who reminds me of me too! How cool is that? I wonder if she’ll stay looking like me as she gets older or if it’s just this picture.
As we told you a few days ago, just before she broke the measuring stick, Wilma seemed to be 42.5cms to the shoulder. Now, Mum is only 43cms and as Wilma is still growing that means that she is definitely going to be taller than Mum which is great, but at the moment they are about the same size. Because they are both fairly dominant characters our Mistress has wanted to keep them apart except very closely supervised until Wilma was big enough and strong enough to stick up for herself. That time has come. Yesterday Wilma and Mum (Shadow) hat some time just the two of them in the office to see if they could play nicely. Although the toys were left out, the bones and chews were removed so there was not so much to argue over. Our Mistress couldn’t believe it. They played really nicely together and both said they’d had a great time, before settling down for a nap fairly closely together. Our Mistress did have to take Mum’s collar off so that Wilma didn’t get hold of it but there was no unpleasantness between them at all and they were even happy to pose together for a picture.
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