Wednesday 23rd December 2015 – Rediscovering my inner puppy

Wilma and Alfie
Me and Wilma
Me and Wilma

I came to a realisation on Monday. If you can’t beat them you really have to join them. I rediscovered my inner puppy. Wilma was delighted. Ari won’t play with her so I thought I’d have a go. Our Mistress did say our enthusiastic game of tug around the office made it very difficult for her to work and I did get over excited a couple of times and have to be told to calm down, but I suddenly realised that actually there are more advantages to Wilma than just the filled bones. She doesn’t pick on me or beat me up, so playing with her is quite fun. I’m too old to want to play too much of the time and she’s young enough to fall asleep part way through a game, but leaving those problems aside we passed a pleasant hour or two driving our Mistress to distraction.

Yesterday almost went very wrong. Our Mistress was going out for the day to meet a friend. She had to get the train and had tickets for specific time. We went to kennels just for the day. It was an opportunity for Wilma to see what it was like which was a bonus. Usually the kennels is open to 6pm so our Mistress had a train ticket that got her back to York for 4.35 to leave plenty of time. However, what she didn’t realise is that this week the kennels is closing at 5pm. However fast she drives, it is not possible to get back from York to our kennels in under 25 minutes. She only found out when she dropped us off and was horrified. Fortunately the lovely kennels helped her out and waited for her so we could go home. Wilma was having a great time so said she wouldn’t  have minded staying, but I was mightily relieved. She did get back for us in double quick time and we were very good and didn’t spoil her nice clothes. Thank you to our wonderful kennels from all of us.

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