You wait ten years and then two awards come along at once. I am seriously delighted to have been named one of the top five dog blogs by holidayparkspecials.co.uk, being a travelling sort of dog in my youth I can vouch for the importance of suitable holiday accommodation for your canine family members. We hate being left out. As you will know from my years of wandering around Europe in the wake of our Mistress, it is much easier to find accommodation that takes dogs in some other European countries than it is in England, so anyone who can help with it is all right in my book. To be fair they help with accommodation right across Europe so dear dog friends it’s time to make sure your rabies jabs are up to date and your passport is handy. I had to check for a minute to make sure it really was me they were talking about!
Wilma knows no fear. She’s a paws first sort of a dog and our Mistress needs eyes in the back of her head to watch for her safety. She came to ‘observe’ me swimming yesterday and was all for getting in. Wilma that is, our Mistress showed no inclination to get in at all! To say our Mistress had to hold Wilma back would be an understatement. It has taken me years to get to the point of getting into the water voluntarily. Aristotle has been swimming for four years and still has to be manfully lifted up and plonked in the water in order to get him in. What was funny was that I walked in on my own without being pushed for the first time yesterday. I don’t know if it was bravado with Wilma being so keen or the effect of my anxiety medication meaning I wasn’t quite so worried. Either way, I had a good swim and then discussed with our Mistress whether maybe I could go more often instead of going for walks. She’s going to sit down and take to Ari and see how he feels about giving up some of his slots to me. He loves the fresh air so I don’t think he’ll really mind. Wilma trying to get in has made our Mistress think she should take her to the seaside when there’s a nice day. There’s never been much point with me as even the thought of the water was enough to make me queasy. I think our Mistress quite likes the idea of having at least one of us dogs that she can sit and build sandcastles with in a desperate attempt to recapture some of the happy days from her childhood. She says that they spent more time on irrigation and dam projects than on the actual castles. I can just see between them with our Mistress doing the engineering and Wilma doing the digging they could get quite a project going.
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Congratulations Alfie. Another award that’s fantastic! May I also give you my personal award. The Gill Wiltshire’s Favourite and Top Blog Award! Have a lovely tail wagging day. xx
Thank you, awards like yours are the best ones of all. Have a woofly day.