Tuesday 8th December 2015 – Off to the vet

Wilma out for a walk
Wilma out for a walk

Well I’m off to the vet this morning. It’s one of those appointments where I’ve had to write everything down so I don’t forget to tell the vet anything. My left shoulder is quite badly swollen and sore. I think my anal glands are giving me a problem again, although I really hate mentioning that one. Then there are my anxiety levels. It’s a good job our vet knows I’m not a hypochondriac. Once I get back Ari needs our Mistress to take him swimming and Wilma has asked if she can go to watch. When she says ‘watch’, I have to say that seeing her on her walk I think they will have a job to stop her getting in! She loves water. She is the first of the family who just can’t keep out of the water and puddles. She was practicing her recall on the long lead today and is doing very well indeed. You can see the video HERE To be fair as a breed it’s something we are pretty good at. We bond so closely with our human that there is nothing we like more than being close to them. Wilma has already formed a very strong attachment to our Mistress. I think the two of them are going to be inseparable. We’re reacting to that in different ways. I am barking as I am fed up. Ari is going for more hugs and reassurance and is getting all the love he asks for. I think he and Wilma will end up the best of friends, but he’s a bit wary at the moment.

Following my comment about our tacky mismatched, half working, Christmas lights, our Mistress has taken it to heart. She bought a new set of lights yesterday to put round the holly tree in the front garden. It has 600 lights on the set so she has been able to decorate the whole tree. She even devised a system using the end of the broom to be able to reach high enough to get them to the top. It was only safe to go so far up the step-ladder given that one or other leg kept sinking into the ground when she stood on it. Anyway, that also meant the lights that had been there have moved to the porch and it all looks much better. We are waiting to see if our Master notices without being told!

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