Monday 30th November 2015 – I am never travelling again

I have to admit that I’ve realised my travelling days are at an end. I’m finding some situations just too stressful. Leaving aside having my own puppy to look after, which is stressful in itself, I just can’t cope with being in strange places and being around other dogs. The worst point was check in at Eurotunnel yesterday. I got myself in a right state when three Hungarian Vizslas came in. To be fair they kept on growling very quietly so most people didn’t hear them, but I went into a barking frenzy and shed so much of my coat you would have thought I was a Bernese and not an Entlebucher. Wilma had a little bark to stick up for me, but our Mistress ended up with her arms hurting from holding me so tightly to calm me down. I was worn out by the end of it. It didn’t help that we were there for ages.

Other than that the journey was fine. Wilma said she’d been in the car for far too long and was glad when we got back and she got out. She did a lot of zoomies round the garden and then settled down. She and our Master are starting to bond and she is doing quite well. She’s getting distressed when our Mistress goes out of the room, but she’ll get the hang of things soon. She did try climbing into a kitchen draw when our Mistress went to put a dish away. I found it quite funny, but our Mistress wasn’t so keen.

Bella’s puppies

We called to see my girlfriend Bella and the puppies. I didn’t get to go in to see them as Bella is being very protective, but our Mistress did and took a photo for me. I said I could have done with Bella around this week to look after me, but of course she’s too busy at the moment.

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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Oh Alfie I’m sorry you had a rotten time travelling home. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your holiday. I must admit I don’t enjoy travelling but I do like the bit in between. Have a lovely woofy day. XX

    • Thank you. Our Mistress is going to get me a herbal calmer to see if it helps. Hopefully I will relax a little more. It’s good to be home now though. Have a woofly day.

  2. Hi Alfie
    Hope you have had a nice chill out day today after your stressful journey, and I hope Wilma is settling in ok? We are going to have one of Bella’s pups coming to live with us after Christmas, we are really looking forward to it and to meeting you all at the fun day’s.

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